Dreams of Deceased Loved Ones: Understanding Their Meaning

Abid Hussain Chaudhary
4 min readJan 15, 2024


The Power of Dreams

Dreams have long been a source of fascination and intrigue for humans. They offer a glimpse into our subconscious mind and often leave us with lingering emotions upon waking up. One type of dream that stands out is the vivid dream of a deceased loved one. These dreams can be so powerful and meaningful that they leave the dreamer feeling unsettled. But what do these dreams truly mean? Are we actually seeing the dead in our dreams? Let’s explore this phenomenon further.

A Dream of Tufeed

Tufeed, a well-known companion of the Prophet, had a remarkable dream that sheds light on the nature of dreams involving the deceased. Tufeed had migrated to Medina with the Prophet and brought his tribe, the tribe of Dos, to accept Islam. Unfortunately, during his time in Medina, Tufeed’s companion fell ill and eventually passed away. In Tufeed’s dream, he saw his deceased companion in a good state, indicating that he was from the people of al-jannah (Paradise). However, his fingers were still cut off, a reminder of the suffering he endured before his death.

Tufeed asked his companion about his current state, and the companion revealed that Allah had pardoned him because of his migration with the Prophet. However, his fingers would not be restored, as they were a consequence of his own actions. Tufeed later shared this dream with the Prophet, who raised his hands to the sky and prayed for forgiveness for his companion’s hands. This dream highlights the significance of dreams involving the deceased and the potential messages they carry.

Multiple Accounts of Dreams

Throughout history, there have been numerous accounts of individuals dreaming of their deceased loved ones. These dreams are not limited to the companions of the Prophet but have been experienced by people from all walks of life. Students have dreamt of their teachers, and individuals have encountered their family members who have passed away. These dreams serve as a means of connection between the living and the dead, offering comfort, advice, and reminders of the hereafter.

Understanding Dreams

In order to make sense of dreams involving the deceased, it’s important to establish a general understanding of dreams. Islam teaches that bad dreams are from the shaitaan (Satan) and should be sought refuge from. Conversely, good dreams, including those involving deceased loved ones, are not mere regurgitations of thoughts but can hold significance.

According to Islamic scholars, the soul moves freely during sleep, allowing for interactions between the souls of the living and the deceased. Sleep is often compared to a minor death, as we surrender ourselves to Allah and our souls temporarily depart from our physical bodies. In this state, it is possible for the soul to meet the soul of a deceased loved one. These encounters can manifest as dreams, where the deceased might offer guidance, comfort, or reminders to the living.

Some dreams serve to assure the living that the deceased loved one is in a state of peace and contentment. These dreams can provide solace and alleviate any concerns or worries about the well-being of the departed. The deceased may appear in a place of paradise, indicating their favorable status in the afterlife. Through these dreams, the soul of the living is comforted, knowing that their loved one is safe and in the care of Allah.

Other dreams may carry more practical messages. The deceased might request the living to fulfill a duty, such as paying off a debt or seeking forgiveness from someone the deceased wronged. These dreams emphasize the importance of resolving any outstanding matters, even for righteous individuals who have passed away. By heeding the messages from these dreams, the living can honor the wishes of their deceased loved ones and ensure their own spiritual well-being.

The Power of Forgiveness

The significance of seeking forgiveness and resolving conflicts is exemplified in a real-life incident. A person from a family who had passed away during Hajj appeared in the dreams of their children, urging them to seek forgiveness from a specific person. The children, all having the same dream, followed their parent’s guidance and sought forgiveness from the mentioned individual. Subsequently, they had a dream of their departed loved one in a state of contentment, implying that their actions had been accepted.

This incident highlights the transformative power of forgiveness and the importance of rectifying relationships even after death. It serves as a reminder that hurting others and leaving unresolved issues can hinder even the most pious individuals from attaining their desired place with Allah.


Dreams involving deceased loved ones have captivated the human imagination for centuries. While bad dreams are to be sought refuge from, good dreams that feature the deceased hold deep meaning. Islamic scholars affirm the potential for the soul to connect with the souls of the deceased during sleep, transcending the physical limitations of this world. These dreams can offer comfort, guidance, and reminders of the afterlife.

By understanding the significance of these dreams and heeding the messages they convey, individuals can find solace, honor the wishes of their loved ones, and strengthen their spiritual well-being. Dreams of deceased loved ones serve as a reminder that our connections with others extend beyond this earthly realm, providing us with glimpses of the eternal bond between souls.

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